I had grand illusions of finishing the unpacking while Mr. Sojourner was away. It isn't really happening. I have, however, tackled the laundry monster; folding and putting away all of the laundry that has piled up while we moved and unpacked this week. I even killed a few spiders while I was at it (the fun of hanging clothes to dry!). I hung some more curtains. I cleaned and organized the porch. I unpacked a few boxes and I am hoping to tackle some more boxes tonight and tomorrow before he gets home. We will see! What are you up to this weekend?
Kind regards,
AH! I should have known you were a fellow Little House fan! The kids and I just finished three episodes back to back :) I had the grand illusion of spraying down my front porch and pulling weeds from the overgrown flower beds today. Didn't happen ;)