Credits: Blythe Evans' "Mocha Berry Winter" Kit.
We tried a new tradition of a Jesse Tree. A very cool way to keep the real meaning of Christmas at the center.

Credits: Charlie's Digiscraps' "Gingerbread Lane" Kit.
Middle Sojourner turned 7 and had a gingerbread birthday party (yet another challenge with the resourses around here) with all of her friends from school. They sure do grow up fast!

Credits: M. Neaves' "Gold Foil Alpha" & C. Heins' "RAK Scaps Dec '06 Mega Kit."
Our kids and the kids of our co-workers put on a nativity for all of our co-workers. The little Sojourners did a great job. Ms. Sojourner played Mary, Middle Sojourner played an angel, and Little Sojourner was a sheperd (with the smallest sheep ever).

Credits: Farrah's Designer Scraps' "Christmas Express" Kit at Groovy Scraps.
We started a new Chrstmas Eve tradtion of opening one present.

Credits: Farrah's Designer Scraps' "Christmas Express" Kit at Groovy Scraps.
We had a fun, but different, Christmas morning at home. Mr. Sojourner got a tea set. In this culture that is a manly thing, but it sure sounds funny to us.

Credits: Farrah's Designer Scraps' "Christmas Express" Kit at Groovy Scraps.
I made my first pies from scratch.

Credits: Blythe Evans' "Classic Grundge 2" Kit.
African ingenuity rubbed off on Mr. Sojourner.
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