Our middle daughter (Middle Sojourner) was diagnosed with Selective Mutism a year and a half ago. It is a rare form of anxiety. (You can read more about what it is
here.) We are on a journey to help her to overcome this fear and we are learning together along the way. When she was diagnosed I discovered that there is not a whole lot of information or research out there about this, and there are not many specialists who have dealt with it. We also did not have contact with another family dealing with this until recently. All of this has been at times extemely discouraging, and so one of the reasons I share about our journey in this, is so that others' may be encouraged by knowing that there are other families on this journey too.
Middle Sojourner's Story
A Little Hope
Big Step
If you have a story to share, a link to contribute, some advice to communicate, or a question to ask...please do.
*Please know that I am not a doctor, specialist, or anything of the sort. I am simply a Mom sharing our journey; things that have worked along the way and things that haven't.
You can contact me at
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