Saturday, September 18, 2010


This has been one of those weeks where I am running around crazy busy and at the same time feeling like I accomplished nothing at all.  Ever have one of those weeks?

So today I am playing a little blog catch-up.  I love participating in Alicia's New Adventures Thursday and I worked on this project, took the pictures, and never got it posted this week.  So a few days late here it is:

This week I came up with 13 things I want to accomplish before I turn 30 in less then 10 months.  Because #11 on the list is likely to take every single minute of that I went ahead and started working on it right away.  The cabinets in the kitchen in our new house are kind of a joke as has been the task of keeping them organized with the help of three eager Little Sojourners and Amelia Bedelia our sweet and well-meaning part-time house helper. (Have I shared about her yet? I think a little bit, but not the whole story, I'll put that on my "to blog about" list. Trust me on this...having a house helper is not as glamorous as it sounds.) 

So, I came up with a plan which I hope will put us all on the same page.  I pulled everything out, wiped down the cabinets, re-organized everything into it's own place, and then proceeded to label in English (for the Little Sojourners) and the local language (for Amelia) what was on each shelf.

Re-organized cabinets with little labels on each shelf.

I am really not an organized person.  Never in my life have I labeled a shelf before.  It's only pure desperation which brings me to it now.  For my sanity, I sure hope it works!

A close-up with lots of glare.

So now my kitchen cabinets are organized and I am on my way to accomplishing #11!  Sure hoping it stays organized!

Doesn't it look tasty?!

And, since my new adventure of labeling shelves was not so exciting i also decided to throw Sticky Chicken in the crock pot and give it a try along with the broth that Alicia raved about.  I can't wait to try it tonight!

 Kind regards,


  1. Ooooh, how was the sticky chicken? I hope you liked it and the broth!

    I love your TNAT posts...thanks for linking up, even if it was catch up!

  2. Alicia, it was so stinkin' good! I used the chicken and the broth to make some awesome Chicken Noodle Soup that my whole family loved. It will definitely be made many, many more times in our house. :)


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