Sunday, September 5, 2010

Wedding Day!

Today we are heading to a wedding of a friend.  This will be our second wedding experience here in Africa.  (The last one was a couple we did not know.)  I am pretty excited about this one because we actually know the groom (his family are some of our best friends here) and (I have to admit this one is probably the one I am more excited about; I'm only human!) the wedding is close enough that I got sleep in my own bed last night!  Seriously, our last experience was a little overwhelming mostly because of the lack of sleep.  (Sleeping next to one of the goats that is going to be lunch the following day was not a great experience.  I swear he knew he was going to be lunch and was not going out quietly!  Not too mention that the village was seriously partying until about 5am and then all the other animals in the village were wide awake.  We did not get much sleep and therefore had a hard time staying awake for the 3 hour ceremony in a language that is not our own.)  So, today I am optimistic that our second wedding experience will be better. :)

I'll share more tomorrow.  Hope you are having a great Labor Day weekend!

*Update, they had a very small ceremony which was switched to a school day so we didn't get to go, but they will have a big celebration when rainy season is over (and they can save up enough for the feast).


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